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Artist Management & Development


In the business of allowing you to be the best you that you can be. Hip Hop is my life. Hip Hop is my culture. There's the Art, You, and then there's the Artist. The craft is manifested by having an understanding of each, and in that order.

Social Media Management
Artistic Development

Social media is the direct line of communication between the audience/fans. Managing the communication that you have with media can drastically affect your career but can lead to a major path to your success. Having sucess with media outlets will require you to set some goals for each forum that you want to use to show people what you are about. Your social media outlets must be organized in a way that will promote growth with your artform or skill. Knowing when to update and post material for the audience/fans is crucialy important. Your social media outlets will also be a representation of who you are. We will use this site and other media outlets to promote artist.

It is important that you maintain a media profile that is consistant across all media outlets. Production of exclusive quality material will lead to a unique competitive advantage. All content that is published should be of the best quality possible. Achieving the right publicity, on the right channel, at the right time can create new avenues in your career as an artist.


There is good publicity and there is bad publicity both can work for you or against you. Being in the public eye you have to be careful of anything that you do that can be  seen by the public. The OutLIT is here to structure and organize your image, which is how others see you. You will never be able to please everyone, but the goal is to have you comfortable at being who you are.

It is a publicist that carries out publicity, but the PR strategically manages the function that helps to establish and maintain your communication with the public. Opportunities improve when using public relations as a bigger part of your marketing plan. Having a PR gives you maximum exposure but with favorable cost. Good PR takes alot of effort so you have to be willing to do your part and put in the work. Relating with community and doing interviews will be more memorable then just a simple advertisement flyer. Careful planning, copywriters, the media, press release mailings, your community, and your industry are critical elements of publicity. Knowing how and when to use them all to showcase your art and image.


What message are you trying to convey with your art? What is your theme? What direction are you going in to develope as a artist? What is your image? These are all very important questions that you may or may not know the answers to? That is why it is called development. It is the evolution/growth of an artist.

We must first recognize what the art skill is. At this point, you have realized that you have an artistic skill/ability. Now it is time to build. As you build you will realize how a simple thought can become a reality. Your success will be measured on how well you can make that connection between your art and the audience. Any skill level can be accomplished with practice; and knowing how to structure the art form so that it reaches it maximum potential. Development is a process and it takes time. In music you must be able to transition with the music and build the connection between your idea and the art your are expressing. Unifying all parts of the development of the art to get the finished product, which is a "exceptional artist".


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